Dr. Vandana Shiva was trained as a Physicist and later shifted to inter-disciplinary research in science, technology and environmental policy. Time Magazine identified Dr. Shiva as an environmental ‘hero’ in 2003, and Asia Week has called her one of the five most powerful communicators in Asia. In November 2010, Forbes Magazine identified Dr. Shiva as one of the Seven Most Powerful Women on the Globe.
Dr. Shiva visited Taiwan in 2010 and gave a public lecture ‘Global Green Currents and Taiwan’, followed by a dialogue with President Tsai Ing-wen who was the chairperson of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) then.
Dr. Shiva has published many books and founded several independent institutes dedicated to high quality and independent research to address the most significant ecological and social issues of our times, working in close partnership with local communities and social movements. All these works have contributed in fundamental ways to changing the practice and paradigms of agriculture and food, and has made significant contributions to the areas of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and biodiversity.
Dr. Shiva’s contributions to gender issues are nationally and internationally recognized. Her book Staying Alive dramatically shifts popular perceptions of Third World women. She founded the gender unit at the International Centre for Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Kathmandu, and was a founding Board Member of the Women Environment and Development Organization (WEDO). Dr. Shiva has also initiated Diverse Women for Diversity, an international movement of women working for food and agriculture. The movement was launched formally in Bratislava, Slovakia, in May 1998.
Dr. Shiva advises governments worldwide. She works with the Governments of Tuscany and Rome to create a hopeful and livable future for young people in these times of crises. She chairs the Commission on the Future of Food set up by the Region of Tuscany in Italy, is a Board member of the International Forum on Globalisation (IGF), and a member of the Steering Committee of the Indian People’s Campaign Against the WTO. Dr. Shiva launched the new global campaign Seed Freedom in order to defend seed sovereignty. She is currently working with the Government of Bhutan to make Bhutan 100% organic.Holds the W.K. Kellogg Chair in Agricultural Food, and Community Ethics at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. He has formerly held positions in philosophy at Texas A&M University and Purdue University. His research has centered on ethical and philosophical questions associated with agriculture and food, and especially concerning the guidance and development of agricultural techno-science.
Prof. Poul Holm is Professor of Environmental History, Director of the Center for Environmental Humanities, Trinity College Dublin. He is currently President of the European Consortium of Humanities Institutes and Centres, Vice-Chair of the Humanities Class of Academia Europaea, and chair of the Oceans Past Initiative, OPI and President of the European Alliance for the Social Sciences and Humanities. He was awarded the European Research Council (ERC) 2017 Champion of EU research. In the past, he has served on national and European committees such as the Danish Research Council for the Humanities (chairman 2001-5), the European Society for Environmental History (President 2005-7), the EU DG Research METRIS group (chairman 2008-9), and the ESF RESCUE Initiative on Climate Change Research (lead author on Collaboration between natural, human and social sciences). He has published on fisheries history and marine environmental history; coastal communities and culture; and Viking settlements in Ireland.
Poul Holm是愛爾蘭都柏林三一學院環境史教授、環境人文中心主任。同時也是世界人文聯盟主席、歐洲科學院人文類副主席、海洋歷史倡議計畫的主席、歐洲社會與人文科學聯合會主席。他獲得愛爾蘭2017年「歐盟研究特優獎」。Poul Holm曾在丹麥人文研究政務會擔任主席(2001-2005)、歐盟的歐洲社會與人文科學趨勢觀測理事會中擔任主席(2008-2009),以及歐洲科學基金會的因應環境與社會變遷挑戰之氣候變化研究倡議中擔任自然、人類與社會科學合作之主要作者。他研究發表的領域涵蓋漁業史與海洋環境史、海岸社區與文化、維京人於愛爾蘭定居等。
Kirill Thompson—b. Northfield, Minnesota. Received advanced degrees from the University of Hawaii. Taught in the Foreign Languages and Literatures Department & served as Assoc. Dean for Humanities at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IHS) of NTU. Specialized in the philosophy of Zhu Xi and Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism, he also investigates early Chinese philosophy, e.g., Confucianism, Daoism, Mohism, Sophism, such later traditions as Buddhism,
Japanese Confucianism, and Zen. He is also interested in Greek thought through Plato, modern philosophy, notably Wittgenstein, etc. He has published book chapters, articles, and reviews in Chinese philosophy in Philosophy East and West, Asian Philosophy, Chinese Review International, etc., and on Samuel Beckett, Thorstein Veblen, Thomas Gray, Henry David Thoreau, and other kindred spirits. He is currently involved in “humanities for the environment” projects.
Kirill Thompson—出生於明尼蘇達州的諾斯菲爾德,於夏威夷大學獲得研究所學位。曾任教於國立臺灣大學外國語文學系,並擔任過台大人文社會科學研究所人文學系副院長。他的研究專門為朱子哲學和宋明新儒家思想,此外對早期的中國哲學,例如儒家、道家、墨家、詭辯家等,以及較後期的佛學、日本儒學和禪宗等也有涉獵。另外對於柏拉圖之後的希臘思想、現代哲學,以及像是美國的超驗主義、存在主義、維根斯坦的存在主義等19、20世紀的哲學思想也有興趣。他已在Philosophy East and West、Asian Philosophy、China Review International等期刊上出版了數篇關於中國哲學的文章與評論, 其研究承襲了薩繆爾‧貝克特、托斯丹‧范伯倫、湯瑪斯‧格雷、亨利‧大衛‧梭羅等學者的精神。他目前正在參與「環境中的人文學」研究項目。
Professor Kate Millar is currently the President of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics (EurSafe), and the Director of the Centre for Applied Bioethics at the University of Nottingham in England. Millar's research interests fall under four main areas: Biotechnology Assessment; Bioethical Analysis; Animal, Agriculture and Food Ethics; Public and Stakeholder Engagement. Millar has been the Principal and Co-Investigator in a notable number of UK and European research projects. She is an internationally recognized leader and involves in research and editorial works in Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, the Food Standards Agency Risk Communication Project Steering Group, and the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics.
Kate Millar教授是現任歐洲農業暨食物倫理學會(EurSafe)的主席,也是英國諾丁漢大學應用生物倫理中心主任。Millar的研究領域主要涵蓋四個面向:生物倫理評估,生物倫理分析,動物、農業和食物倫理,公眾和權益關係者參與。Millar在這些領域中是全球知名的學者,並負責多項英國和歐洲的研究計畫:《農業和環境倫理期刊》期刊編輯委員、歐洲農業和食品倫理學會成員、食品標準局風險溝通計畫執委會成員。